Just the Stars in the Sky

12 x 12 in
Watercolor on textured clay panel


Zechariah and Pongo in
Just the Stars in the Sky

There’s just something about the stars…

If nothing else, they light the night sky so beautifully, but it’s much more than that. For me, I’ve held stars to an ethereal sphere, being a constant presence. They offer an imagined greatness, maybe because they keep time far different than our own. Maybe their time is measured in eternity.

Kalyn and Zechariah and Pongo made me think of the stars in the sky. "We called him our angelbaby. [Pongo] was honestly the most loving and loyal dog I have ever had. He looked at me like I put the stars in the sky and his little sister Stella looked at him the same way. My eyes are filled with tears and my heart is broken but I will be a better person because I have known you.  You earned those angel wings a long time ago."

Sometimes I worry that our little worlds are just transient fleeting things… It isn’t until I comprehend the vastness of the world, until I realize how small we really are that I’m able to perceive how the stars must have this way of connecting us. I can’t pretend the smallest parts of any life are insignificant. I can’t pretend our paths don’t cross for a reason. There’s just something about the stars…

©Daune Sheri
March 4, 2020

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