Just Me Too

10 x 8 in
Watercolor on textured clay panel


Jazz and Guilio in
Just Me Too

Do you ever wish just to be in the moment? To put down your cell phone, turn off your TV, delete your social media and just be? Me too…

I guess being in a world where traditional ways of living have been disrupted by texting, reality TV and social media, it blinds me temporarily and I lose sight of what’s really important. In the large realm of things, what’s important is being in the moment…

Jazz knows all about this. Penny relayed how “Jazzy and his littermate SicilyRose were inseparable from the day we got them. His nickname was “Me Too”. He was such a goof and so affable and so silly that whatever SicilyRose (or anyone else) wanted to do it was always, “okay, me too”, resulting in his nickname.  Jazz nearly died when he was a year old, he was in ICU for a week near death. I asked our vet if I could bring SicilyRose to see him. We swear to this day she told him all the fun things she was planning and he said, “me too”, think I’ll choose life too.”

I think I’ll choose life too. Afterall, who really cares if the cell phone’s ringing or if the TV program is missed or if the latest social media update isn’t seen? Is that really living? Living is being in the moment with the ones you love; sharing those moments together as often as you can until you no longer can.

Do you ever wish just to be in the moment? Me too…

©Daune Sheri
July 26, 2018

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